Who We Are

Elevating Hiring Excellence

We’re experts in finding the perfect match – it’s more than just resumes, it’s about fitting in culturally, having the right personality, and the right attitude. We’re Management Recruiters of Wausau, a top staffing solution for banking, finance, and IT across the US, with a focus on Wisconsin.

Our candidates quickly adapt, bring results, and stick around because we know how to pick the right fit. Our success shows, with a 43% sales increase in five years and consistent top 50 ranking among Management Recruiters International franchises.

Our Approach to Executive Search

Filling key positions requires focused research, an organized systematic approach, hard work and a lot of straight talk. If you are expecting too much and offering too little, we tell you before it’s too late. If it appears that the solution to your problem is not just a person but a redefinition of the existing position, we tell you that too.

We learn what you want, and what the candidates want. We know how to talk to people, and we know how to talk business. When the talking, the research, the interviewing, assessing, evaluating and reference checking is complete, we introduce you to highly qualified individuals who will fit into your specific environment. When the finalists are identified, we help you work out the details that will motivate the chosen candidate to join your team.

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Local Roots. Global Reach.

While our roots are firmly planted in the scenic landscapes of north central Wisconsin, our reach knows no bounds. With a global perspective and extensive networks, we have the capacity to uncover top-tier talent from around the world, spanning diverse industries and sectors.

Whether you’re seeking exceptional leaders, innovative thinkers, or specialized experts, Management Recruiters of Wausau is dedicated to bringing exceptional talent to your doorstep, regardless of geographical boundaries.

Our Team

Discover how the Management Recruiters of Wausau’s team is uniquely positioned to comprehend and fulfill your organization’s talent requirements.

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